Blood Pressure In Children

The abnormal rise in blood pressure in children is causing worldwide concern as this is a problem which is endemic to the 21st century. It is important that the rise if blood pressure in children needs to be monitored in a systematic manner especially if a rise in associated diseases affecting various vital organs is to be minimized. Blood pressure in children can be estimated using sphygmomanometers which are instruments used for the measurement of blood pressure in milliliters of mercury. However these should be used with caution as readings can vary in children for a variety of reasons. A problem with a blood pressure assessment of children is if that child is in an excited state, variations may occur in their blood pressure. Therefore it is important to ensure you secure the child in such a manner that their excitement is kept at a minimum so their blood pressure can be accurately recorded. In the event of encountering high blood pressure in children, specific questions need to be asked. These include questions such as how long the blood pressure has been raised, are any other symptoms noticed and whether there is any perceptible causal agent that can be linked with any incidence of elevated blood pressure in children. When compared with the adults, high blood pressure in children is not always noticed unless there is some concurrent organ damage or dysfunction. Therefore the raised blood pressure in these children may not become apparent for some considerable time. This can therefore cause organic damage which could have otherwise been avoided. If edema is present, then the assessment of blood pressure in children may also be very difficult In westernized countries, many of the usual causes and contributory factors to raised blood pressure in children can include their sedentary lifestyles and also the fast food culture which is so prevalent nowadays. Many western children are grossly overweight, and this is due to a combination of their diet which is often poor and saturated with fat and a lack of exercise. If the diet factor is to be associated with an increased presence of raised blood pressure in children, then priority should be given to the addition of salt in excessive levels and over a period of time. Excessive amounts of salt can be found in many convenience foods, and children given large amounts of salt may have enhanced blood pressure. If children consume too much food with excessive amounts of fat over a period of time, they are prone to developing an elevation in both their systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Ultimately this will lead to organ failure which if not treated, could result ultimately in the death of the child or at best, adulthood plagued with illness and bad health.