Skin Care & Makeup

Rejuvenating Your Skin after Weight Loss Surgery by Virginia Alexander Weight loss surgery creates an entire new person--not just in size, but also in body chemistry. Individuals that had dry skin may have oily skin after weight loss; people with oily skin may just find their skin dryer than usual. The most common skin problem after surgical weight loss surgery is large pores and dull-looking skin. Of course, their pores are large when you consider because the skin had been stretched. If you are experiencing this problem, it is vital that you work on minimizing the pores and bringing the elasticity back into your skin. I know this better than most, since I lost over 140 pounds with weight loss surgery. There are just three basic steps to take for beautiful rejuvenated skin. First, determine your skin type. Second, choose a skin-renewing treatment. Third, maintain your skin by following a quick and easy daily care skin routine. 1. Determine your Skin Type Most of us fall into the following categories: normal-combination skin, dry-sensitive skin, or oily skin. Some of us battle with acne or occasional breakouts. Acne is usually associated with oily skin, but hormonal changes can cause an acne condition in even normal skin types. We need to use products designed for our skin type in order to have flawless-looking skin, regain elasticity and minimize pores. Simple skin-type test: In the morning, wash your face. Do not apply toner, moisturizer or anything else to your skin. Wait about an hour. Then, take four pieces of white tissue paper; gently press one piece on forehead, one on your chin, one over your nose and one on your cheek. The results: DRY/SENSITIVE: No oil will appear on the tissue. Skin feels tight after you wash it and can appear flaky or dull. OILY: Oil on every piece of tissue paper, skin will appear shiny. Skin may also be crusty or flakey around nose. NORMAL/COMBINATION: If the tissue you placed on your forehead, nose and chin has a little oil, but your cheek area is dry, then your skin type is combination. Once you know your skin type, choose products designed for your skin's needs. ACNE: acne is a skin condition, not a skin type. It can be caused by many factors, we usually think acne is "caused" by extremely oily skin, in reality any skin type can get acne. Acne can be caused by hormonal changes in the body as well as external factors .It is a skin condition that generally have bumps and eruptions under the surface of the skin. Sebum and debris get trapped under layers of dead skin cells causing eruptions and redness. Depending on the severity of the condition, Your Physician should be the one to determine what type of acne you are experiencing, as well as your specific treatment. 2. Choose a Skin-Renewing Treatment The very best thing you can do to improve your skin texture and moisture balance is to use Resurfacing and Rehydrating (R&R) treatment system such as microdermabrasion. Microdermabrasion will help minimize your pores, release blackheads and help bring back the elasticity of your skin. It exfoliates the dead or dying cells, leaving behind new cells that we need to keep our skin hydrated. There are Professional Microdermabrasion treatments; these are usually done by a skin care expert. They use a Microdermabrasion compound with a machine to aggressively resurface your skin. They should only be done in a Doctors office, by a professional. There are spa treatments, done by a professionals as well, people specifically trained in the compounds and with a resurfacing machine. Unless you have extremely distressed skin (determined by a Doctor) I suggest a home treatment. I like having the control of the product, you can feel the microcrystals rolling off the dead skin .I do not like the hand held machines they sell for home use, I feel they are a gimmick to sell what you really need, the Microdermabrasion! You should not overdo the treatments. Twice a week is the standard suggested use for most products out there; always follow manufactures directions. It gives the skin time to regenerate in between the treatments. Look for a good quality product with Quartz crystals. As we age, we lose our moisture balance. That is why wrinkles, fine lines and flaky dry or dull looking skin form. Our body chemistry plays an important role in how we age, as does the environment. Sun damage, pollution, and stress play a very important role in how our skin looks. We need to regain the moisture balance we had naturally when we were younger. By following a simple R&R system, we can bring back and maintain a more youthful and resilient look. A resurfacing treatment should be done once or twice a week only. More is not better, since the collagen bonds need to reform in-between treatments. After you resurface, be sure you moisturize your skin. It is important to remember that this treatment is best done at night before going to bed. At night your body is in repair mode, giving you a great look when you wake up in the morning. I do an R&R over my entire body at least twice a month. After all, it is all skin! Perform Daily Skin Care Proper skin care, to me, is no different than brushing your teeth. You brush your teeth twice a day, so perform your skin care routine at the same time. It only takes two minutes and will make a huge difference in the way you look. Simple Daily Skin Care Process: 1. Cleanse: to remove all dirt and debris from your skin .Choose a cleanser designed for your specific skin type .Dry sensitive skin will respond to calming compounds like Azulene or chamomile. Normal skin look for a product that has a ph of 5.5, this will help the skin retain a healthy balance. Oily skin I like a produtst with a lactic acid compound. 2. Tone: to remove oils and the left over cleanser that is still in your pores. Follow the same rule as with a choosing a product for your specific skin type. Remember the cleanser will continue to do its job. When it starts coming out of your pores, it will eat through your makeup application. That's its job. That is why a lot of women think base or foundation will not work on them or the reason your base or foundation appears streaky. NOTE: stay away from any alcohol based toners; they dry the top layer of the skin, snapping the pores shut fast, trapping debris under the skin, only for your pores to reopen naturally an hour or so later to release what looks like an oily looking skin condition. When in reality it is a condition caused by alcohol. 3. Moisturize: It is the primer for your base. Even if you have oily skin, moisturizing is extremely important. There is a difference between oil and moisture. Apply moisturizer with your sponge: where you are dry, it will be absorbed; where you are oily it will jet over, our skin will absorb what it needs. Always choose a moisturizer that is specifically designed for your skin type! And remember there is a difference between oil and moisture, there are products on the market today designed to be oil free, for oily skin! Start with these basics and you will be on your way to healthy, resilient skin in just a short time! Please take the time for you--you are all so very beautiful! Note: Specific skin conditions, like ,acne, exzema, psoriosis, rosacea or other abnormalities should be addressed by a physician before starting any type of skin care program or treatment. Virginia Alexander is a production stylist for Film & Television. She has successfully worked in her profession for over 25 years. She educates celebrities on skin care, makeup, and wardrobe style. Five years ago, she began working with individuals that have had WLS; she has created skin care programs, make-up looks and restyling post operative's wardrobe. You can learn more about Virginia and her services at "Making the world more Beautiful, One woman at a time"