What Causes ADD?

Many of the parents, as well as the children affected by Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), have been left wondering what causes this frustrating and complicated disorder. Unfortunately, there is not a simple answer to this question. There has been much debate over the last few years as to the causes of ADD; some have argued parental shortcomings, food allergies, or neurological defects to be the cause. When it really comes down to it, no one knows for sure what causes ADD. However, through intense and thorough research, scientists have been able to determine what does not cause the disorder, as well as certain factors that seem to contribute to it. It should first be understood that good parenting, or lack thereof, does not cause or prevent ADD. Although many parents will feel guilty about what they may have done to lead to the disorder, these feelings are scientifically unfounded. Likewise, sugar, certain foods, and allergies have also not been shown to contribute to Attention Deficit Disorder. It has been stringently disputed in the past that nutrition not only causes ADD, but can be used to treat it; this, too, is untrue. So, what does cause ADD? Attention Deficit Disorder definitely appears to be genetic and neurological in nature. Individuals and families with ADD are more likely to have offspring that suffer the disorder as well. A great deal of research has been done studying the brains of children with ADD and it would appear there is a link between certain brain functions and the disorder. It has long been suspected that the brain may be the key to unlocking ADD, as doctors have been aware of a decreased level of dopamine in sufferers for years. However, it was not until recently that scientists discovered a difference in the neural pathways of children with ADD as compared to their non-ADD counterparts. This is how messages are sent through the brain and is manifested as an interference between parts of the brain that regulate impulsiveness, attention, planning, and motor control - all of which are key areas of concern in regard to ADD. As enlightening as this information is, much research is still to be done to fully understand the connection between the brain and Attention Deficit Disorder. At this point, parents should take comfort in knowing their actions did cause the disorder in their children and that steps are being taken to understand and treat ADD