
What exactly is acne? Well it is a very complex complaint but can easily be summed up with the term - Acne is an inflammation of the skin where pores become blocked and display themselves as inflammations of things such as blackheads, whiteheads and pimples. It's very easy to tell you what acne is, but it's much harder to discuss a cure for acne or even what exactly causes it. One of the main causes of acne is your parents. I don't mean that they've been cruel to you and inflicted you with some horrible disease but really its true. Acne is mainly passed on by parents, not willingly though, so don't blame them for it as they couldn't help it but it is a major causal factor. Acne, on the whole, affects teenagers and this is the wrong time of life for something debilitating like this to happen to a young person. It is just the wrong time totally to have your looks affected by acne. Being a teenager is the fun time of your life, when people are growing up and moving into adulthood and acne is the last thing anyone wants at this time. It's also a time when people are very self conscious of their looks. Acne adds to this. The other thing is that acne mainly affects the face. This isn't true but when you look at someone you automatically look at their face as this is natural and what we see is the problems acne causes. So what can you do about it? Well there are many medications out there and the best person to advise you about these is a specialist in a store or for more severe problems a physician who can probably advise you on stronger medication from a pharmacist. However, it may be possible to help cure your acne or certainly make it less noticeable by just taking sensible steps. Sunlight is a major problem for skin and overexposure to this can cause acne to be worse than normal. This also applies to stress, which can be compounded by acne as this makes people more stressed due to their looks. Climate and seasonal changes can also have an effect so these are things to look out for. Another major factor can be caused by makeup. One of the problems with acne is caused by natural oils in the skin and oil based cosmetics add to this so be very careful when buying skincare products. Always read the label and try to buy oil free or low oil based products. Whatever you do, always seek professional advice and remember that if you have tried one acne 'cure' and it didn't work then there are many other acne products out there and one may be much more successful for you than another.