El' Naturelle?

I don't know what you are reading on here or I don't know who these people are that are talking about "natural" skin care, but essentially it's a bunch of crap and I have the proof. Get the details: http://www.ifyourskincouldtalk.com. When you are shopping for your products you may discover a skin care product that says on the label it is "natural." You may assume it is good and safe for your skin so you buy it and use it in the comfort of your own home. If you take the time to read, you may notice the ingredients on the label and you realize that there are some natural ingredients in the product. You believe it is natural because it says so on the bottle, but the product is not all together natural, you are using the product because of the way it is labeled. You may realize that there are other ingredients in the product you have never heard of before and you hardly know how to pronounce them, so is the product natural? The simple answer is "No." Just because the product may have natural ingredients, the rest of the product probably has synthetic chemical ingredients in it. In my opinion, the ingredients are not good for your skin. Many ingredients have been known to cause skin irritations, and have acne promoting properties, and these claim to be natural products? Don't think so. You the consumer is tricked into buying these products and before we know it we are using them on our skin. Let's buy our products right the first time. It will save us a lot of money, a lot of hassle and frustration. Maybe they will even work. Know what you use. Always investigate the ingredients let me suggest it would be much healthier for you and safer for everyone if you would search for products containing less chemicals. Save your beautiful skin. Save your one precious life. Alayna A. Fries, Author If Your Skin Could Talk, What Would It Say? http://www.ifyourskincouldtalk.com