Since the advent of the Internet and information technology, telecommuting or those that refers to work-from-home arrangements had been lucrative in many ways. It had gradually proliferated in the industry as a better alternative to the traditional way of working and earning money. This is because certain factors where seen to have been cause of some underdevelopments in a company or a decreased productivity among the employees. And so, some companies have opted for work-from-home arrangements, in which, to some extent had reaped better results than engaging into the traditional way of tendering jobs. On the other hand, it is exactly the same reason why most people would want to have their business at home so that they can develop strategies well without any pressure of the outside environment. Among others, it is the people that gains positive effects from it simply based on the following reasons: 1. It promotes safety. When a person goes to work, most often than not, he or she is vulnerable to unseen circumstances such as accidents and mishaps. This due to the fact that they are in a hurry to get to work early or they don