Why It's Important To Know Which Country Your Website Visitors Are Coming From

You probably know exactly how many visitors you get to your website and to individual pages on your site. You probably know which are new visitors and which are those returning several times per day. And I'm sure you would agree it's important to know those kinds of statistics. Now it's becoming increasingly important to know WHICH COUNTRIES your website visitors are coming from. This kind of country-tracking technology has been done privately by major corporations for years. Only recently has Geo Detection become easily available to small businesses and individual website owners. In today's global Internet economy, Geo Detection is gaining dominant importance. Here are a few reasons why: Some recording artists don't do especially well in their home United States, but may rocket to number one in Brazil or Scandinavia. Likewise, you have a product or service that you think isn't selling even though you're getting plenty of hits to your site. The problem is often that your product or service is wildly popular, but only in a few countries who can't use your payment and shipping methods. Knowing which countries your visitors are coming from could help you zero in on sales. Often sites will advertise on pay-per-click search engines like Overture or Google AdWords. They notice their links are getting abnormal numbers of clicks, eating up their advertising budget with few if any sales. Frequently Geo Detection will reveal the clicks are coming from one of several countries where almost all the traffic is fraudulent, pointing to the possibility crooks are using software to click through your pay-per-click links automatically throughout the day. It's a common and growing problem. Geo Detection can also be used to BAN lists of countries from access to your site. You might ban all countries known to be havens for criminals and con artists. This can dramatically cut down on fraudulent orders and is actively being used by many major sites today. If your product, service, or opportunity is only offered in the U.S. or the U.S. and Canada, Geo Detection can insure only those residents are allowed to view your site. This instantly solves the problem of unqualified buyers purchasing from you. You spend less time solving problems and more time making money. Look into the ways Geo Detection can improve your site's sales and eliminate management headaches. It's an idea whose time has come for small businesses and website owners.