Creativity In Motion

When we want to manifest our world we may want to employ creative thinking and alternative ways to think about the challenges of manifesting. What is Creativity? Creativity is the ability to imagine something new. By combining ideas or thoughts in a different way. Now it has been said there are no new ideas under the sun but there are new ideas in the sense we take old ideas, include others ideas and rearrange them in a way that they are new to our world at least. Some ideas are brilliant while some are only common sense that has not been put togather in that particular way as yet. Believe it or not, everyone has substantial creative ability. When I was a child I was always inventing something. My creativity was not always encouraged but by being alone a great deal of the time my imagination was nourished. In adults, creativity has too often been suppressed through education, convention, and religion. But your imagination is still there and can be reawakened. To reawaken your creativity you must make a commitment to it and set aside a certain amount of time to it each day. An Attitude. Creativity is a attitude. It is being gratiful for what you have in this time while playing with new ideas of how to change it. It is also a belief in the fun of playing with ideas and liking the challenge of change. We are socialized into accepting only a certain number of ideas. If one can make play out of creating new ideas this process becomes a game. It is a game that has huge payoffs in the GAME of life. THERE IS ALWAYS A GOOD SIDE Everything depends on the way you look at things. View every problem you encounter as an opportunity. There is always a good side to every situation. The optimist sees an opportunity in every misfortune. The pessimist sees misfortune in every opportunity. The optimist sees the doughnut, the pessimist sees the hole. You can develop success from every failure. Discouragement and failure are two stepping stones to success. No other elements can do so much for you if you're willing to study them and make them work for you. When it is dark enough, you can see the stars. A Process. Creative people like the process of fiddling with an idea. They like to refine an idea to the last possible thought about it. They are not in a hurry. Very few creative ideas come in one rush they come from playing around with one idea or a group of ideas until one can go no further with it. Then it is good to have a group that is interested in the same ideas to bounce the idea off. The creative person knows that there is always room for improvement. Suspend judgment. This is the most important rule. When ideas are brought forth, no critical comments are allowed. All ideas are written down. Evaluation is to be reserved for later. I know I have the tendency to analyze and throw the baby out with the bathwater. One needs to let idea germinate and grow. "Howling Wind"