Get Motivated the Smart Way

What does a person need to do when they need to get something in their life done, but just can't seem to do it? Get motivated! How does a person go about getting motivated about something? Setting goals is the most important step in becoming motivated. Goals are extremely important. As a matter of fact, without goals, we will not achieve success. In order to be a motivated person at anything, you must have goals to reach for. The goals we set for ourselves need to be realistic goals. They are of no use to us if they are not possible goals to meet. They are actually more harmful than no goals at all! Be smart about your goal setting. It is great to set them high, but if you set them out of reach, you are stepping backwards. If your goal is to run 5 miles with-in a month's time, then set it for 1/2 mile and then raise your standards. Don't set it for 5 miles and then when you don't make it get discouraged. That is detrimental in getting motivated. Do you listen to yourself and the way you talk to yourself? Are you honest with yourself? These are very important questions that need to be answered. The way you talk to yourself can determine your success and motivation. Are you constantly beating yourself up? We are our worst critics. But we need to retrain ourselves into patting ourselves on the back more often, when we do a good job. For some reason that is a difficult thing for us to do. Work on it. Self talk needs to be positive to end in positive results. When you are having a bad day, and you will no matter how positive you are, think of positive memories that make you feel good. Do things that make you feel food about yourself? Good music, or a good movie, or whatever it takes. Don't let negativity get the best of you! Tomorrow will be another day. Reward yourself for a job well done. So many times we forget to give ourselves incentives to keep going. It could be anything from a favorite treat, to a weekend of relaxation. But rewards are just that. They need to be something we want or they are not rewards. They will not be affective in getting motivated if they are not something we desire. The last and final stage in the process of learning to get motivated is to stay focused and committed to our goals. Don't let them go by the way side or lose interest in them. They were obviously important enough to us at one time to make them.