So You Got The Pepper Spray. Now What?

For successful self defense use of pepper spray you should experiment and develop practice drills regardless of how and where you carry your spray. If you carry it in your purse, keep in mind that you want to retain possession of it even if your purse is grabbed away. Therefore, it should be positioned and clipped onto the purse in such a way that when you hold it as you're walking, riding mass transit. or just standing, any downward or sideways yank of purse will leave the spray in your hand. Whenever you are on foot, such as walking to your car, leaving a restaurant, shopping, you should have the pepper spray in your hand and ready to use instantly. Whether you normally carry the spray in your purse, on your belt, or attached to a key chain makes no difference. When you are isolated or in a potentially risky situation, have the pepper spray in your hand. The time you have to recognize an assault and bring the spray to action may be less than a second! For this reason , it's very important to mentally rehearse exactly what to do in case you have to use the spray. Practice against an imaginary assailant until you are comfortable with your ability to use it quickly and effectively. This could make the difference between your becoming and surviving a hostile confrontation. The value of hands-on practice with a pepper spray con not be overemphasized. It is highly recommended that you take a formal training class given by a certified defense spray instructor. Also check with your local police department. It may have a civilian training class that you can attend. Everyone should carry a pepper spray wherever they go. If that sounds a bit drastic, just look at today's newspaper or watch your nightly news. Unless you can predict the future, you should have some form of defensive protection with you at all times. And pepper spray is one of the best defensive devices available. Some people feel they only need to carry a pepper spray when going out at night. That could be a horrible mistake! Today's criminals don't care whether it's day or night. No matter who you are, where you are, what you're doing, you are a target. A violent assault occurs every 15 seconds in the US. So make sure you have your pepper spray whenever you leave home.