Warts and All - the HPV Virus

HPV (Human Pappiloma virus) or Wart virus.

Warts are caused by a microscopic virus particle that infects the skin. Known as the Human Papilloma virus, HPV is extremely common these days. It is a virus which has over 80 different strains, and can cause warts to surface anywhere on the body.

HPV affects up to 6 million new people each year in the US. This number is even higher than the infection rate of HIV aids. At least 50% of sexually active men and woman acquire HPV in their lifetime! The human papilloma virus has an incubation time of a few weeks, to a few months, and sometimes as long as a year.

This means that there are many carriers of the Human Papilloma virus, who do not actually have any visible or noticeable warts. About 30 strains of HPV are associated with venereal warts / genital warts. These warts are found in and around the anus, vagina and penis.

Other strains include common warts, body warts, plantar warts (these are found under your feet and can be very painful), flat warts.

When any of these warts are found, it is important to seek a treatment or remedy straight away.

Choose a natural remedy, which is designed to penetrate right down to the root of the wart. The wart is then drawn out from the root upwards and will flake away by itself. This method ensures that the entire wart is removed and will never grow back. It is also a method which leaves no scarring. Trace elements of the formula are also absorbed into the system in order to target the HPV virus inside the body.

What formulas provide that level of wart and HPV treatment?

A pure blend of essential oils extracted from plants, specifically formulated for safe, effective wart removal.

The formula is very easy to use. Simply apply topically to the warts. Due to its concentration, the formula will counteract the warts virus effectively, with only a small amount per application.

How long does it take for the formula to eliminate warts?

Healing time differs from person to person, and depending on the strain of the virus (there are over 80 strains), your immune system and how consistently the formula is applied, healing normally takes 2-6 weeks.

A highly recommended company who have been in business for many years are Healing Natural Oils or amoils.com They have formulas for
HPV and Warts, Hemorrhoids, herpes, cold sores, genital warts, shingles treatments

In summary, there is no certain cure for the hPV virus which causes warts, but if correct treatment methods are used, the warts will be effectively removed, with no scarring, and you are also guaranteed that the same warts never grow back.

John Black