The Power Of Goal-Setting

"If you are not making the progress you would like to and are capable of making,it's simply because your goals are not clearly defined," Paul J. Meyer. To be successful,not only you must set goals, they must be specific and well defined as well. The is one of the essential principles of goalsetting. Goal-setting is being considered as the greatest of all success techniques! Andrew Carnegie ,multi-millionaire philanthrophist and builder of 43 millionaires of his time was an omnivorous reader as soon as he first learned to read.He loved to read the biography about successful and rich men.He quickly observed that most successful men made a habit of writing down goals and striving for them.This.he concluded that is the secret of success. He once did a survey on his employees to find out how many of them wrote down goals and aimed at them.This was what he did as follows: He thought up a questionaire of 15 questions so worded to make them think he wanted their suggestions and opinions.Some of the questions were: How long have you been working here? what motivated you to work for us? Are you satisfied with your salary and working environment? Do you have any suggestions for improving conditions,or improving the company? Are you earning enough money for the work you do in your opinion? Do you make enough money to take good care of your family? Etc. 15 of them. But among the 15 questionaires was this one,the only one he was interested in.It was: Do you have the habit of writing down goals and working to reach them? When he received the questionaires, he asked his accountants to separate the "yes" sheets from the "no"sheets.There were 226 Yes sheets and 3572 No sheets. Then he checked the earnings of each employee.The 226 Yes sheets were among the 10% of the highest earners in the company.The No sheets were among the 90% of the lowest earners. After the test,he confessed to them about his trick and explained he did it to convince them to become GOAL SETTERS!Did it paid off? The overall production of his steel plant increased tremendously and hundreds started goal-setting.Many of them made a fortune working in his company.In fact, 43 of them became millionaires! So, the greatest, most valuable and most useful of all success techniques! Napoleon Hill placed goal-setting(in his description-Definiteness of Purpose) as the number one of the 17 success principles he laid down in the Law of Success. Remember always-the one common characteristic that all successful people share is that they have their goals and their lives OUTLINED IN WRITING! On the other hand,"most people aim at nothing in life....and hit it with amazing accuracy." Which do you decide? Be a life goal-setter! Set your well defined goals for 2006 and beyond!