Failure Is Just The Beginning!

What do I mean you may be asking yourself? Just what I said failure is the beginning not the end! How you may ask, simple, Failure Is an Event, Not a Person. You can recover from failure and still make it to the top of the hill. YOU CAN DO IT. With failure you can recover and get the prize at the end of the rainbow, which is our happy future and you got there by knowing that failure is an event not a person and the set back of today may very well end up being the Victory of tomorrow. When you fail, get back up on the horse and try again, the only one that is stopping you from succeeding is you! So let go of the negative flow and go with the Good, the Clean, the Positive and start to build the perfect you that you know you can be and become the person you never thought you'd see! ZIG ZIGLAR and I quote" FAILURE IS AN EVENT IT IS NOT A PERSON!" You must first realize that the trials and tribulations of today mold and shape us into the people we are becoming for tomorrow and it is with these trails that you will end up growing into the person that you want to become. So be thankful for the difficulties, because the difficulties of today shall be your victory tomorrow, what a sweet victory that will be! Try not to focus all your time on the difficulties and just go with them and meet them head on, take them in stride and always learn how to grow from them, you will be surprised at how fast you can really develop yourself into the person that you want to be! Remember that failure is just the beginning and that you are really setting yourself up for something else and this may be grander vision than the one you just had. You will be surprised at how fast your mind will find the next dream or project to work on and all of a sudden the failure will be forgotten and put in the past where it belongs with no power over your life. This is always good! Always try to move forward from your failures and never go backward, if you feel like trying the same thing over again then go ahead and try, YOU CAN DO IT! You have learned from your past mistakes and now you can use that to move forward with your dreams and continue to see the positive in all of what you do. Failure or success you must find the positive that is in it and add it to your list of victories, soon you will find that you have more victories than failures! You will start to have more victories than failures over time and this means you are growing and that is great as you are striving to build the perfect you that I know you can be. Now do you see how it all started with a failure and you took that failure and made it grow into the successful person that you are now becoming and this means that you are BUILDING THE PERFECT YOU! This should excite you and only add fuel to the fire for you to want more out of life, try to remember that no matter were you are you can always grow and improve on what you are and it is never to late to start! So no matter what your age is take that FAILURE and learn how to grow from it, you will be glad you did and you will find that building the prefect you is more fun than you ever thought it could be, and this is great news for you, as it means you have almost made it to the TOP!