Clean the Air While On The Go

Americans spend a huge amount of time in their cars commuting every day to work. We are all aware of the carcinogens associated with exhaust and fumes; so can you imagine what is happening to your lungs even in your car? Every soccer mom knows how many hours their children spend in the car; riding back and forth to their friends and everywhere in between. More and more people are diagnosed with allergies that make it impossible for them to be around smoke and exhaust fumes. When they find themselves in a close environment such as a car; their allergy symptoms can really become aggravated. Many people still smoke in their cars. You see windows cracked in the middle of winter; and you know there is a smoker in the car. Cracking the window is fine, but the smoke never really does totally escape the car and you and anyone else riding will be subjected to secondhand smoke. If you are one of these people described; it might be wise to look into a car air purifier.

Ionic and air fresheners eliminate pollution from the roadways that come into the vehicle, as well as allergens, odors, and particulates. Air fresheners are nice; but don