Thinking Of Taking Money Online? What's Best For Merchants? PayPal, WorldPay or Something Else?

It's now easier than ever to take payments on the web. As people selling their wares take pot shots at eCommerce providers in an ever-increasing battle to sabotage their "competitors'" success it gets harder and harder to find an honest unbiased opinion.

So that's what I'm setting out to do in today's article.

You see, as we've enabled 3 different payment methods at I feel I can comment in a far less biased way than people sticking with a single solution.


Obviously, these are just my opinions and any solution you choose will have pros and cons. What's best for one company might not be right for another. So take your time to really understand what's involved by asking the provider before committing to a solution.

PayPal -

Some people, rightly or wrongly (in my opinion - wrongly) are afraid to pay via PayPal which has given it a bad rep and does lead to a loss of sales for merchants using it if they are unknown to the customer.


* It's really easy to get a payment button up and running on your site

* You can use it to securely send payments to others

* Anyone who's ever used eBay will already have an account

* Giving refunds is a doddle

* Great low-cost way of adding secure credit card payments to your site

* They're not greedy with commission or charges

* Multiple currencies supported


* Poor perception in the marketplace (in my opinion this is due to people who've paid through the teeth for another solution trying to make it hard on people just starting out)

* This is the biggy - people from many countries (such as South Africa) are unable to get a PayPal account which reduces sales potential if you sell internationally.


I've used PayPal a lot in the past and still do. If you are planning on accepting payments from clients that already know you then this is the best and fastest option for enabling the process. You need to check your own biases (ie did you just hear it was bad) and encourage reluctant clients to try it out - it's safe!

WorldPay -

This is seen as THE standard for online stores and eCommerce. Customers trust merchants with WorldPay because they know it costs the store owner a lot more to set up - which goes someway to proving they're a bone-fide company who won't do a runner.


* Good customer perception. Adds kudos and helps customers feel safe with you. We noticed a peak in sales pretty much immediately after making WorldPay live on our site.

* International currencies (but at a cost)

* Their checking procedure ties in with Distance Selling laws so when you pass you can be confident you're applying good practice as an online merchant.

* Looks good and can be customised to fit pretty seamlessly into your site's style.


* They charge you a small fortune just to get started and then make you wait for a few weeks while they do their bit

* High - bordering on extortionate - charges means they can eat your profit - individual transaction fees mean that tiny payments (I'd say anything sub