Bunk Beds for Kids

Bunks beds have been a very popular piece of furniture for many years. It is quite versatile and can save a lot of room esp. in small cramp bedrooms. A bunk bed is a type of bed in which one bed is stacked on top of another. They are typically used as furnishings in children's rooms, allowing two children to sleep in the same room while maximizing available floor space. They normally are supported by four poles at each corner of the bed. To get to the second bunk a ladder is used, though taller children often find other faster methods of climbing into them. The top bed normally is surrounded by a railing to prevent the sleeper from falling out.

They are great space savers, but also they can be dangerous as well if kids are not told how to stay safe! Did you know each year; thousands of children go to the hospital for emergency room treatment for injuries associated with bunk beds? Most of these injuries are minor and occur when children fall from the top bunk. Children playing and fighting frequently contributes to these mishaps. Teach children that rough play is very unsafe around and on beds and other types of furniture. There are even