What is the PayOption ARM?

Imagine an adjustable rate mortgage that allows you to pick one of four payment options on your monthly mortgage bill. It is an ARM on which the interest rate adjusts monthly and the payment adjusts annually, with borrowers offered options on how large a payment they will make. The options include interest-only, and a "minimum" payment that may be less than the interest-only payment. The minimum payment option results in a growing loan balance, termed "negative amortization".

How Will I Know an Option ARM When I See One?

Ask the loan officer if the mortgage has more than oe payment option. Does the rate adjusts monthly, and if negative amortization is allowed. If the answer to both questions is "yes", you almost certainly have an Option ARM. Their names are all over the map and include "1 Month Option Arm", "12 MTA Pay Option ARM," "Pick a Payment Loan", "1-Month MTA", "Cash Flow Option Loan", and "Pay Option ARM".

What Are the Advantages of an Option ARM?

Their main selling point is the low minimum payment in year 1. It is calculated at the interest rate in month 1, which can be as low as 1%, and it rises by only 7.5 % a year for some years. The low initial payment allows borrowers to buy a more expensive home than they would be able to afford. Other reasons are to use the monthly payment savings for other purposes, like: paying down the principle, and amortizing credit card debt. Be aware that they seldom explain the risks.
