Online Registration Success: Help Them Feel at Home

By now your prospective attendees know who you are, they know what your event is all about and they want to attend. Don't send your prospects running by sending them to what is obviously someone else's website.

'Integrated' means 'Easy'

In one of my previous articles I wrote about making it easy for your prospects to register with you. One major part of making your registration process easier on your registrants is to blur the line between your business, your promotional materials, and the registration system itself. Integrate your registration system into your business.

Where does that link go?

With some online registration services, your attendees click from your site to your registration provider's site. This has the potential to be confusing to your attendees and may make them uncomfortable sharing their contact and credit card information. Your prospects have become accustomed to the look and feel of your business or your promotional materials; don't eliminate that trust by abruptly introducing a third party.

What can I do to put my prospects at ease?

You can avoid confusing your attendees by matching the border, headings, and font colors on the registration pages to your site's theme. A good registration provider will make this a standard configuration. Also, upload your logo into the custom header and/or footer pages. Now when people click to register, they will see your brand, your colors and the familiar ad copy you use.

Why not give your attendees that warm, fuzzy feeling when they register?