Knee Replacements

You are getting older and your joints creak and crack. Your knees are playing havoc with you and it is time for a replacement. Personally, I had my left knee replaced nineteen years ago and I was in my thirties, so you don't have to be a senior to have knee replacements. Three months ago I had to have my right knee replaced, and when that heals, which will be in a month or so, my left knee has to be replaced again. My reason for replacements is arthritis which is the main reason for replacements. There are other reason for replacement surgery such as sport injuries, car and motorcycle accidents.

For those that are having replacements, I would like to give a bit of advice before the surgery. If you are overweight like I was, cut back on your eating and exercise as much as you are able. I lost ten pounds before surgery and to date a total of twenty-five pounds and still losing. There is no sense in getting a perfect replacement if you continue to gain weight. Added weight stresses the legs, which in turn stresses the knees. If you are inactive because of your knees, that is when you will put on weight, and it gets to the point where your body frame can't carry that much weight. This is when your knees will totally fail you and it makes life in general even worse. I got to the point were I couldn't stand to do dishes, or even carry them to the cupboard. So you will want to lose weight to give the new knee a chance.

Meditate every day, even several times a day to help put you in a positive frame of mind. Having a positive attitude makes all the difference when it comes time to heal. If you don't know how to meditate, just sit and have quiet time and think positive thoughts. Put yourself in a place where you are at peace and one with yourself. Take fifteen to twenty minutes, two or three times a day and it will make a world of difference on your outcome.

Relax and calm yourself the day of your surgery. I know it is easier said then done for the majority, I was really apprehensive that morning, but I was told to concentrate on my breathing and it did relax and calm me. Just breath deep from your stomach through your nose and exhale very slowly out your mouth. And remember, it is a specialist who is operating and he knows his job, so you will be in good hands. My doctor told me that he thought it is fun doing knee replacements and I said maybe for him it was, and we both chuckled.

After the surgery the hard work begins. With my previous surgery I was much younger and healed faster. Not so this time round, because now that I am older the healing process took longer. With some people this is true, but not all. The day after the surgery therapy begins and with knee replacements it is twice a day, morning and afternoon. Most people I know don't want to take medication, but I advise you to take it before therapy so you can withstand the session. I don't want to scare anyone, but I know I wouldn