Sober Living

Sober living is, quite simply, a choice to live free from addictions. However, the reasons that a person chooses sober living are far from simple. Everyone has their own different experiences that have led them to decide that is the way forward for them. It is important for a person to have their own reasons for seeking sober living, and not to be forced into it by others. Many people have reached a stage in their life where their lifestyle is seen as the only way to turn their life around. It is a sad fact that addictions to drugs, alcohol, or even gambling can destroy a person's life and affect everyone around them. Being determined to change to a happier living lifestyle may not repair all of the damage that their addictions have caused to others, but it will definitely eliminate the consequences of continuing addiction. Support from those around you is essential for continued and successful sober living. Often, the best people to seek support from are those that have been through similar situations. This is not always the case, but understanding of the true meaning of sober living by anyone that you come into contact with is often necessary to help prevent a relapse into the life that you lead before you chose to live alcohol free. This does not necessary ensure that the person is the best source of support, but it does remove a lot of the pressure about explaining what real living is, and why you have chosen such a path. Sober living should not be seen as simply giving up addictions. Of course, that is the main starting point and continued focus of true sober living, but the focus should be more on how life can be changed for the better by sober living. If a person remains in contact with friends and family that knew them before their sober living began there are often a large number of barriers to be broken down. No one can be expected to change completely overnight, but with concerted effort and determination, the change to sober living can be truly successful and literally life changing. There are many organizations that can help a person to achieve sober living. Many of these offer counselling sessions and a buddy system to provide support and advice to anyone who has, or is considering choosing sober living. There are also a growing number of residential places in sober living homes. These range in their entry requirements and fees, but all provide a safe and supportive environment for people to start out on the road to living without booze or drugs. Here is one word of caution to anyone wanting to start a new relationship at the same time as beginning their new sober living lifestyle. Don't! The pressure of trying to change old habits may be overwhelmed by those of the relationship. Of course, this does not mean that you cannot seek new friends; just don't be too keen to form a deep relationship too soon during this vulnerable time.