No Money Down Mortgage Loans - Ways To Get Approved For a Home Loan Online With Zero Down

No money down mortgage loans enabled more people to own their own home. The following ways will help you get approved for a home loan online with zero down.

Good Credit Ratings

In order to qualify for a zero down mortgage, you need to have good credit. The high-risk of having zero down make many mortgage lenders picky about late payments. Typically, after three years of perfect payments and a FICO score of 600, you can qualify for a zero down mortgage.

Money Factors

Zero down mortgage loans are a higher-risk for mortgage lenders, so they like to see higher cash reserves of applicants. Mortgage lenders also like to see a low debt to income ratio, so pay down short-term debts like credit cards. Additionally, a long employment history proves you have reliable income, a desired trait by mortgage lenders.

Save For Closing Costs

Most mortgage lenders will require you to pay the closing cost of a mortgage loan, even a zero down mortgage loan. These fees often will run into the thousands, but some lenders will add this into the loan up to 3%. You can negotiate this with your mortgage lender, particularly if you are a first time home buyer.
