Healthy Liver Diet - 7 "Should and Should Not" on Hepatitis Home Patient Feeding

Inside our body, there is an organ weighted about 4 pounds named liver. It does some critical duties for us every time starting from producing cholesterol; managing glucose, protein and fat that are allowed to enter to our blood, until purifying our blood from poison came inside together with foods.

Due to its heavy duty, liver is susceptible on contamination and get hurt. Yes, liver can handle that. But sometimes, when it's infected by hepatitis virus, it needs to be cured by care.

If you have family member, or yourself suffers liver inflammation (hepatitis), here is the guidelines on 7 things that liver patient, especially liver home patient "should and should not" related to their diet when the illness is recurring:

  1. They should not let their stomach empty
    The will feel queasy every now and then. However, it's important for liver patient not to let their stomach empty since it will make them even queasier. So, even if they loss their appetite on food when the illness is recurring, they still have to eat something.

  2. They should stay away from deep fried and fatty foods
    Liver in trouble can not stand to fat but it doesn't apply to non-saturated fat. On healthy liver diet, non-saturated fat can compress liver inflammation.

  3. Their favorite foods, should be OK
    As long as they do not contain thick fat and do contain nutrient enriched. It will be easier for liver patient for running their healthy liver diet by this way than if they have to take their disliking foods. It's important to watch and ensure that the foods contain vitamin and minerals, since it can fix the liver cells damage.

  4. They should not take "too sweet" food, please
    Sugar and other sweet food is something that can make your liver works harder because of their carbohydrate content. Even worse, if it is not used for activity since liver patient should take more rest. The carbohydrate will be kept as fat in your body and this is dangerous thing for liver.

  5. They should take milk but if they can't, that's ok
    Sometimes milk generates queasy, so it's fine if they won't take milk. However, considering their nutrient content, they should take milk on some other time when their liver is not in trouble.

  6. They should stay away from chemical stuff
    One of liver's duties is to diminishing poison might contained in food. So, as the liver in bad condition, it is wise idea not to add the problem by giving the liver harder duty. Keep all the chemical ingredients away and substitute it with organic products in your healthy liver diet which pesticide-free. Do not take any food with additive both in preserving or coloring substance.

  7. For the liver benefit, they should keep the low fat diet until six months ahead at least
As hepatitis getting worse by discarding or careless cure, it can be liver cancer. That is the reason why hepatitis is not something you can neglect. You may find chemical medicines suggested by your doctor. But in case you'll prefer to implement a natural healing, you may try the following recipe as vegetable therapy on hepatitis:

1 garlic, steamed
40 gr. green beans, soaked in water till tender
50 gr. job's tears

Blend all with enough water. Drink.

I believe that vegetable therapy is zero risk alternative healing so far. There are many other illnesses can be reached by this healing method, from acne to cancer. Another good news is it is cheaper than any other modern healing therapy.

For more information about other illness that can be reached by Vegetable Therapy visit

For some sample recipes of healthy food for liver patient visit