Go Back to Vegetables to Fight Prostate Cancer

According to FDA regulations, a low-fat product contains up to 3 grams of fat per serving.

A recent research study tracking men whose prostate tumors weren't aggressive concluded that a radical ultra low-fat diet together with regular exercising and yoga stress-management techniques may help patients having early stage prostate cancer to keep it steady, out of worse changes.

The above facts follow to previous observations that regimens plenty of fat increase the risk of prostate cancer, and that certain negative foods - such as broccoli or tomato lycopene - are protective.

This new approach in fighting prostate cancer doesn't mean men should opt for diet over conventional therapy. On the contrary, the diet may help male population undergoing therapy. Because many prostate cancer tumors grow slowly, the regimen allows patients to block its development. Some cellular tests confirmed the diet keeps a low level of prostate specific antigen (PSA) production.

This new theory definitely open the door to more research as it comes after another study suggesting that diets containing fats up to 10 percents from total calories, might help women avoid a recurrence of breast cancer.

It's quite surprising to learn that we must go back to vegetables if we want to be healthier. But this could be a step that really help battle cancer. The findings also revealed the importance of lifestyle in aging healthy as the only side effects of this diets are people feel better.

Valerian D is a freelance writer specialized in health issues affecting men such as prostate cancer