The Herbal Approach to Transgender Breast Enhancement

Only you are able to decide which path is best for your needs, but do keep in mind that the herbal approach is safe to undertake and has many benefits. What are some of these benefits? The herbal approach uses the endocrine system of your own body to increase your breast size naturally and safely, adding size, firmness and fullness. It is your own tissue growth. Your body does it by itself. The results are long lasting and you have your own naturally larger breasts.

The most dramatic and unique effect of the herbal approach comes during the early stages while your body is changing. As you begin to see and feel your body shape changing, a new and wonderful relationship with your body takes place. Your body is like a new friend, bringing you new levels of happiness every day while providing delight in the gradual changes taking place. It is a journey of body re-discovery, as what has often been merely a dream now becomes a reality. Even more than the tangible physical changes that take place to your appearance, you begin to realize a daily increased feeling of self worth. Other important benefits include the safety of using all natural ingredients, comparative cost effectiveness, and heightened feminine physical sensations in the breast area and throughout the body.

Why Choose Herbal?

When beginning your journey of transition, you are offered a barrage of options to consider. Though temporary, the choice of breast forms is the most easily accessible. Hormone therapy is another choice available to you, characterized by high cost and a level of physical risk. The more drastic alternative of breast implants comes with a high level of complications and risk over a lifetime. Breast implants can be cost-prohibitive and need further surgical intervention often in 3 to 5 years and in at least 8 to10 years. And then there