Pre-Neolithic Calendars (Accurate)

Braden is quite wrong when he says the initiations to this knowledge began about two thousand years ago. I think that is when some people emboldened by the earlier Pythagorean partial inclusion of the knowledge into Therapeutae systems like the Essenes, started to study it and write something about it. However, the prohibition on sharing this information which is said to have still been a matter of summary execution in the time of Plato, probably started ten thousand years earlier.

Pre-Neolithic Calendars:

The Ishango or other aboriginal message sticks from places like Australia and Africa are not easily comprehended by us in the present. The tools of forensics and hard sciences are not always possible for each author or scholar to fully comprehend but they are great evidences, and I thank god we have them. The megaliths and stelae or other Neolithic Libraries are the subject of serious investigation again. The list of proofs for trans-oceanic travel in the pre-Christian era would take a full book (at least) if only four lines were devoted to each point. The great seafarers of Atlantis or these early colonizers from the Brotherhood deserve to be studied and we can learn a great deal from how they ran their government or society. Unless you wish to take the alien intervention route of