The Types of Skip Trace Accounts

First, we need to define the different kinds of skip trace. There are three basic types of skip trace accounts, they are:

The Typo Account

This account is really not a skip trace account. The reason that the information is not correct for this debtor is because their information was erroneously inputted into your record system. A common example of this is- John Q Debtor 123 Main St and it is put into your record system as 321 Main St. This kind of account is usually fairly easy to correct.

The Unintentional Account

This account happens because the debtor just does not notify your company to update their information with your company when they move and change residences. Most of the time they are not trying to hide from you, they just moved and forgot to tell you. They are making no efforts to hide their current location.

The Professional Runner

These are the hard ones! The reason for someone to be in this category can vary. They will either fall into one of two sub categories. It could be that they live paycheck to paycheck and have fallen behind and have no idea how to catch up so they avoid you until they can figure out a way to repay you. They honestly intend to repay you they just don