Your Age, Your Maturity Level, And Your Professional Growth

Some says age is directly proportional to professional growth; whereas some want to differ from the general trend. It was very old practice when the experienced persons were considered as much more talented and given preference but there was reason behind it. If you go some years back you will see that there were no such type of education facilities in the country. But now there are so many institutes who trained a person with each and every approach to become him an effective person without acquiring any experience. And good qualified persons are performing better even of that one experienced person. It depends person to person as well as education.

The question is same even in the corporate sector as well. There are people who believe and carry a feeling that older you are the more talented and knowledgeable you will be.

I want to differ from rest of the crowd because talent, expertise, innovation and knowledge have nothing to do with age of a person. A 25 years old person can be more knowledgeable or talented than his counterpart with 50 years of age. Do you agree with me? I can do a work much better than and in more effective manner than any other person of double of my age.

We have learned and we have been told that a person when he grows older in his age, he tends to become wiser and wisdom is different from talent or even experience. I can also say that my experience of four years is as good as any other person having experience of 10-12 years of experience. I am more effective and knowledgeable than this person.

As we grow older, we stop learning and over a period of time our knowledge will become extinct. What we will be carrying with us will be our experience and that too will not be relevant to the present day situations and circumstances.

The world, as it is today in 2005 is quite different from then what it use to be in 1970's and 1980's. Way of thinking has changed...approach as well as attitude and outlook of people too has changed. So, a person with a mindset of 70's and 80's will not be competitive enough in present day situation.

What do you feel about it? Do you agree or you like to differ. Let me know your opinion and comments.


1) Al Gates: A couple of things I keep in mind for myself:

1. When I was in my teens and probably up to the age of 27/28, I "knew everything"...remember those days.......and,

2. Being a late bloomer, at some point after the above age, I discovered that the older I became, the "less I knew". Wow!

So the world that I knew in the 30's, 40's was different than the 50's and 60's, and so on ad infinitum...I believe the assumption that one is not competitive at any age in any era is not valid, though I'm sure it would apply to some people. Making that same assumption, I believe, also applies to one's learning. Assuming these statements about people can cause problems

The world has always been changing, it's just changing at a faster pace nowadays. Some people, according to the song, "Stop the World and Let Me Off don't like it, some people love it, and some just don't give a damn.