
Constipation is the passing of dry, hard faeces fewer than three times a week. Individuals who have constipation may find it painful and difficult to have a bowel movement, also other symptoms include feeling sluggishness, bloated and uncomfortable. Constipation is a common ailment and everybody will suffer from it at least once within their life. It is more common in women over the age of sixty five and pregnant women; it is common after childbirth and surgery.

Constipation occurs when too much water is absorbed in the colon or when the colon is sluggish and slow again causing too much water to be absorbed. Common causes of constipation are too little fibre in the diet, not consuming enough water, lack of exercise, medications, irritable bowel syndrome, changes in routine or life such as pregnancy, old age and travel, laxative abuse, ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement, specific diseases such a stroke, problems with the rectum and colon and problems with intestinal functions.

The most common cause of constipation is a diet high in eggs, cheese, meat, refined processed foods and low in fibre which is found in fruits, vegetables and wholegrain. The soft texture and bulk of fibre helps to form stools that are easier to pass then dry, hard ones.

Water and juice add fluid to the colon which makes bowel movement easier, caffeine containing beverages such as tea; coffee and cola drinks and alcohol have a dehydrating effect which makes constipation worst. Individuals who have constipation should drink plenty of water and juices. Studies have shown that the lack of exercise makes constipation worst and anybody who has constipation is recommended to take regular exercise.

Medication such as anticonvulsants, pain medications, diuretics, antacids, iron supplements, blood pressure medications, antidepressants, antiparkinson medication and antispasmodics can all cause constipation.

Individuals who suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome have problems with their bowel movements; one of these symptoms is constipation.

Changes in life can cause constipation, pregnant women get constipated because of hormonal changes and the elderly get constipated because the metabolism get slower in old age and muscle tone becomes depleted.

Abuse of laxatives can cause constipation, the colon nerve endings get damaged and cause problems with the colon