Online Registration Success: Thank Your Registrants

It's a step that's easy to forget: you've welcomed your registrants; you've given them details on your event, taken their information, offered them extras, accepted their money and confirmed their registration. But there is still an important step to take: the 'thank you.'

Online Systems Never Forget

With online registration, the system automatically sends out confirmation emails to the registrant. Use this opportunity to help your registrant feel really good about their decision to attend. Write a confirmation email that sincerely thanks them, and gets them even more excited about their registration. Cognitive dissonance frequently occurs after purchasing and can lead to buyer's remorse, so make sure to reinforce your registrant's decision and assure them they are getting a good value for their money.

Spread the Word

Now would also be a great time to remind your registrant to suggest your event to friends and colleagues. In fact, instead of having them forward an email around, add in a form to send an invite to other email addresses. Online registration systems make it easy to get 'word of mouth advertising' from registrants who have already bought in to your event. Make full use of this great functionality.

Making sure your guests feel good from the moment they step into your registration page to the moment they leave is important in maintaining your image as a trustworthy and valuable resource.