Treating PCOS Inflammation Naturally

What causes the body to be inflamed all the time? Women who have the genetic tendency towards inflammation are more susceptible to environmental or food-related inflammation. Unfortunately, the standard Western diet is a clear cause of inflammation. Foods that can cause inflammation include:

* Red meat
* Dairy
* White flour
* Refined sugar
* Preservatives
* Food coloring
* Artificial flavors
* Unhealthy oils such as partially hydrogenated oils, oils heated to a high temperature, etc.
* Foods that cause allergies such as soy, wheat, citrus, etc.

Looking at this list it does not take long to realize how so many of us could be suffering from our bodies attempts to fight off these inflammatory foods. So, what can you do to help yourself? An anti-inflammation diet can make the difference. Not surprisingly, the diets that are already shown to help women with PCOS such as the low-glycemic index diet are also shown to lower inflammation.

Low-carb diets that are high in meat, nitrates and dairy are actually shown to raise inflammation, which may explain why they tend to work for a while but eventually stop working for many women.

So, how do you treat polycystic ovarian syndrome? Try changing your diet to include whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, ocean fish, and chicken. Avoid foods that are known to cause inflammation. Follow this diet for 6-12 weeks and see if you feel better. Chances are you will reduce your symptoms and lose weight.

In addition you may wish to research anti-inflammatory herbs. I have chosen to begin taking ginger, turmeric, boswellia, lecithin and anti-oxidants. I have also chosen to increase my dosage of fish and flax oils. All of these supplements have been shown to reduce inflammation.

Be careful however. These supplements are all known to lower blood pressure and increase the chance of bleeding. Do not take them if you are on a blood pressure medication or blood thinner. Do not take them if you are menstruating, about to have surgery, pregnant, or at risk for excessive bleeding. As always, discuss any supplements or herbs with your doctor to make sure they are safe for you.

Learn about beneficial PCOS herbs and more ways to treat PCOS naturally in the groundbreaking PCOS book Alternative PCOS Solutions.

Julie Renee Callaway is the author of two books and numerous articles about polycystic ovarian syndrome. She is a life coach and PCOS sufferer who eagerly shares her wisdom with those who wish to break the PCOS cycle and transfrom their lives. You can sign up for the free PCOS Success! newsletter at