The Rise Of Online Poker And Why This Could Spell Disaster For The Inexperienced Gambler

The growth in online poker has been phenomenal over the past two years with the industry more than tripling in size to a staggering $1.5 billion. But why is this?

There have been many avenues available for people to indulge in online gambling for years now; bookmakers, casinos and bingo sites have spread across the internet and have had some level of success, but nothing compared to the rise of online poker.

Is it that people think they have a more realistic chance of winning at poker?

Is it that they think poker requires more skill than other forms of gambling?

Is it more of a thrill to take money from another human being rather than a company?

Has poker become a fashion trend?

It is probably a combination of all those things, but whatever has pushed poker into the spotlight will no doubt lead many people into trouble. The problem with all forms of gambling is the obvious addiction that occurs in many players and if people are not careful they may find themselves spiralling into financial meltdown.

The biggest problem will be with people who have no previous poker experience, who just plough straight into the high stakes end of the betting spectrum looking for that