THC Detox

THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol is found in the plant called marijuana. THC marijuana (9-tetrahydrocannabinol) is the primary active ingredient in cannabinoids (marijuana). When ingested or smoked, it produces euphoric effects. Users have impairment of short-term memory and a reduced ability to learn. Also, it may cause transient episodes of confusion, anxiety, or even toxic delirium. Long term effects are uncommon, but relatively heavy use may be associated with behavioral disorders. Marijuana is used by millions of users every year, and that number continues to grow as more and more evidence uncovers its positive medical effects and disproves the negative publicity the drug receives. Marijuana has been proved to be less harmful then alcohol and cigarettes. With the increase of marijuana smokers the increase in the cover up and detoxification of marijuana increases as well. This leads to more and more urinary cleansers being marketed and used.

The most popular employer and goverment drug test for THC is urine tests. Marijuana is absorbed into our fatty tissues and the liver, and eventually end up in our urine. Elevated levels of the urinary metabolite 11-nor-9-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carb oxylic acid are found within hours of exposure and remain detectable for 3-10 days after smoking. The THC / marijuana drug test is based on the principle of the highly specific immunochemical reactions between antigens and antibodies, which are used for the analysis of specific substances in biological fluids. The sensitivity is 50 ng/ml of THC marijuana.

THC Detox

Detoxing and cleansing the body of THC is easy, there is many drinks and pills that can be bought over the counter at any pipe or hemp shop.

Tyler D King - For more information on addictions please visit Addiction Spot