Getting A Payday Loan Extension

A loan extension is an option which is usually offered by payday loan companies. There are many reasons why a borrower or client cannot meet his financial obligations with a payday lender. There maybe a family emergency or the car suddenly needs repairs. Such events are accommodated by lenders and this is why there is the payday loan extension. When a person obtains a payday loan, he must carefully read the terms and conditions so that he will determine what to do when he needs to file a payday loan extension. If information is not found, the person must ask the customer service representative. Asking does not mean that the client plans to get an extension. But acquiring knowledge beforehand is always important, not only in payday loans but in other aspects of life as well. Payday lenders require that the filing of the extension should be done on specific days or within a certain period of time. Most lenders accept requests for loan extensions the day before the loan is due. When a client is too negligent to request for a loan extension, he will be charged with late fees. And this also does not bode well for any future loan applications. Most lenders allow their clients to request for a loan extension online too. The procedure is usually made up of three simple steps: 1. The client accesses his personal account by entering his username and password 2. The client clicks a link or checks a box indicating that he intends to request for a loan extension 3. The client enters the new due date of his payday loan. The new due date is usually the date of the next payday. Some lenders require that this new due date should be at least four days away from the original due date. The new due date cannot be the next day after the original date. Other lenders require that the new due date should be less than eighteen days from the original date. This means that the new date must not be a month or two months away. Once the request for extension is approved, the lender will only debit the interest of the loan from the client's bank account. This amount is usually stated in the terms and conditions sent to the client. The client, however, must be aware that there are limits to loan extensions. Such limits are determined by the laws of the State. This means that a client can only make as much as three loan extensions. After that, when he is still unable to pay, he must arrange for other ways of settling his loan. Most lenders also accept partial payments. That is, when the original loaned amount is $300, the client may pay the lender $100 plus the agreed interest. This allows the client to have a lesser amount and lesser interest to pay in the next payday. Such arrangement is often advised and preferred by lenders.