I'm in a Glass Case of Limitation!

I watched the movie anchorman the other day, and laughed my tail off. No, I didn't learn any great life lessons, but it is good sometimes to take the time to laugh. In one part of the movie he calls into work upset, over the loss of his dog. The man on the other end asked him "where are you"? Calling from a phone booth, he says "I'm in a glass case of emotion".

I thought wow!! Aren't we all?

We are often held back by the limitations we place within our mind. We come into the business realm with lofty dreams, but do we believe we can achieve it?? Well, the one's who end up successful do. As my mentor always says If you have a million dollar business (idea), and your mindset is set at $50,000 you will take that business or idea and make $50.0000 dollars with it.

I recently spent the afternoon listening to 2 multi millionaires on how they got started. To get their business started the had to throw all their profits back into their business. How do you have big dreams of succes when you have creditors calling, or a foreclosure notice on your door ?

It is hard to keep a positive mindset, when you look at your bank account and see $3.35 to your name.

But let me ask you one question. If 100s of others have done it why can't you?

We could make a list one hundred people long of those, who had nothing and created massive success, why can't you?

The only thing that separates them from us, is they expect it to happen. They wake up every day with an expectancy and a burning desire. They have a "reason" why they are waking up everyday and working towards their dreams.

The first step is the have a reason that you want success , a why so big that you will run to the ends of the earth to get it. The place you are up to this point of your life is all due to the way you have thought up to this point in your life. To get yourself to better more abundance place you need to change the way you think.

So how do you create a bigger mindset, so you can grow to achieve your dreams and goals?

1. You have to talk yourself into it. One a daily basis Several times a day I read my "I have I ams". This is a list of the things that I'm manifesting into my life. They are in present tense, so my subconscious mind will go to work on creating this into my reality.

My list goes something like this:

I attract positive people to me.

Everyday and in every way I'm getting better and better.

I have an unlimited amount of Big Thinkers who want to join me and my business,

I'm a sender of cards and touch people on a daily basis by the words I send out

I deserve everything I send out.

I attract great things into my life.

I make others feel good about themselves by being interested in their lives and happiness.

I great everyday with love in my heart,

I work at home and earn $120,000 a year.

2. Read something positive everyday-Listen to positive audio's. I read this out of Andy Andrews Book "The Travelers Gift" (a True classic in the Spirit of Og Mandino)

"I will lay my head on my pillow at night happily exhausted, knowing that I have done everything within my power to move the mountains in my path. As I sleep, the same dream that dominates my waking hours will be with me in the dark. yes, I have a dream. It is a great dream, and I will never apologize for it. neither will I ever let it go, for if I did, my life would be finished. My hopes, my passions, my vision for the future are my very existence. A person without a dream never had a dream come true. I'm passionate about my vision for the future. My course has been charted. My destiny is assured. "

How can you not eventually create a positive mindset with this stuff being read into your life on a daily basis?

3. You have to see everything that is possible in your life.

I'm always looking at the Robb Report, or going and looking at the new cars, so I can see all the possibilities that I can achieve in my life. Everyday you have to stretch your level of belief, and know that these thing can happen in your life.

You can't ask, or attract something into your life if you don't know it exists.

Draw up your dream house plans. Plan a dream vacation.

On a daily basis sit in a quiet place in your home for 20 minutes, and close your eyes. Walk yourself through how your life would be once you have these things. What is your perfect day? Walk yourself through the thoughts, smells, sights sounds, etc.

4. Focus on want you want ... not what you don't want.

To many times we get caught up in the things that are negative into our lives.

I have too many bills...
I wish I could lose weight.
I only have $20 bucks.

What your mind hears is:

I'm in debt.
I'm fat
I'm broke.

Focus on your I have I'm listed on item #1 and these things will go away, but you have to focus on your "do wants" If you focus on what you "don't want" you will attract more of the negatives into your life. Your life is what you focus on.

5. Have a Big Why! The only difference between a successful person and someone who hasn't yet achieved their dreams is that everyday the successful person knows what they want, and what they need to achieve it. Things happen to all of us. All of us awake with some kind of "drama", but a winner will not let "drama" take away from their Daily method of operations. They will still Send the Cards, Make those phone calls, fill their lives with positive, because they know that the other stuff can be fixed. If you let the problems overcome you...you will never pull your self away from them. Why are you doing this business?????? I know that everyday and in every way I'm moving forward to achieve the dreams of my family and I.

So in conclusion. Find your why, talk yourself into success, make your "I have I'm List, and find a huge dream to fill your mind with. We will see you on the stage of success, and never again will you wish you could win....You will have already Won!

Shane Clevenger has been in the Home Based business industry for over ten years, and is on a current mission to help direct sales, and network marketing professionals attain their goals in a shorter period of time. He believes he has found a new direct sales approach that will transform the industry, and will help hundreds of thousands reach their goals in 6- 12 months. He can be reached at He can be reached at http://www.shaneclevenger.com Or you can read his blog at http://libertyleagueinternational.blogspot.com