Are You Guilty of Stinkin' Linkin' Thinkin'?

Do you know what kind of sites are suitable link partners for your site?

If you do give yourself a gold star since many seem not to. At least based on the questions I get.

You see most think small. Too small. And limit the potential universe of perfectly good linking partners.

In fact many seem to think relevant means "sites exactly like mine". So if they had a site about "juggling midget circus clowns" the small thinkers would say they could only trade links with other juggling midget circus clown sites.


I call this stinkin' linkin' thinkin' and frankly it drives me crazy! Because there are any number of related sites that have little to do with juggling midget circus clowns that are still perfectly good link partners. Because their visitors are just like the ones the owner of the clown site covets.

Remember too you typically get three things out of any link trade

PR (pagerank)


Link Reputation (from the link text you use)

Almost any link trade should give you PR and Link Rep. While trading links with relevant sites will get you traffic. Some more than others naturally.

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