What Is a Water Massage and What Are Its Benefits?

One of the newest in massage treatments, is a dry hydrotherapy, also referred to as water massage. This treatment is administered through specially designed tables, which are completely enclosed, so that the water never touches the patient.

It operates by shooting jets of water up against the underside of the table surface, where a client is laying. A bar moves along the horizontal length of the table, taking the water's impact from one end of the body to the other.

Because dry hydrotherapy utilizes heat, and employs the same beneficial techniques as a whirlpool, it is quickly becoming one of the preferred methods of treatment for a wide variety of conditions from injury, to stress, to chronic illnesses.

The heat level can be adjusted to the client's comfort level, as can the impact of the water, which may run at anywhere from 2-32 PSI. This flexibility allows the hydrotherapy to be delivered as efficiently as possible, even through a hot or cold pack, which intensifies the quality of the treatment.

As with all massage techniques, water massage can improve circulation to the skin, blood circulation, and enhance the function of your lymphatic system, which clears wastes away from the muscles and out of the body.

The very flexibility of water massage, means a better chance to reach the optimal level of muscle relaxation in each client, which means that further treatments can be administered more easily, and have more lasting effects. When muscles are relaxed, a client can then benefit from the relief of pain and a sense of well being that comes from the extra release of endorphins.

Jamie Freeman specializes in teaching others to provide therapeutic massages. For more free massage tips visit http://www.massagehowto.com