Stroke - My Computer Helped Brain Recovery

My name is Ted, I'm now in my sixties and some four years back I began to experience a number of 'Dizzy Attacks' - feeling faint, sick and, apparently at times, a little incoherent in speech. My, cure at the time? - A cup of coffee and a cigarette - I had very rarely been to a doctor during my lifetime so, Tough fellow Eh? - No way, in hind site downright foolish.

Since I know that I am far from unique in ignoring publicised medical advice, in particular, that 'prevention is better than cure' I write this little article in the hope that it inspire some readers to act now on their health matters rather than undergo my experiences of these past few years.

There is no doubt in my mind that the human female, once her mind is set, has an inherent ability to apply such immense forces upon us poor males and forces for which we have no defence. Under such terrible power I was delivered up unto to doctor after having experience yet another, bad spell? Within a very short time of being with the doctor I was uplifted bodily by yet another forceful female ambulance team member and delivered up unto another immensely powerful no-nonsense female nurse at the hospital.

My memory is somewhat unclear on immediate events from that point but gather that I was soon after into surgery for an artery blockage. Later, I was advised that I had experienced a series of heart attacks each of which had caused more and more damage to the heart. In addition, a series of strokes each of which had taken some toll my grey cells. The biggest shock was when it was indicated that I was now officially an invalid unable to fulfil a normal job.

In hind site I know now that had I taken preventive action (gone to the doctor) after my first attack then the damage I now have, both heart and grey cells would have been greatly minimised. So, to anyone reading this - Please, Please Don't be a fool like me!

After hospital release weeks later I began to fully appreciate the real reduction in my physical and, worse still, mental capabilities. At my age I could adjust to lesser physical activities like boozing, bonking and golf for example, but the mental and memory problems became quite frightening. I couldn't speak or think clearly, dictate a letter, handwrite a letter, find the right words or remember so many things from the past. Neither could I interpret correctly the words, sentences and paragraphs that I read.

In fear that my mind was degrading in some way, I this time, sought prompt specialist advice. The result was that yes, I had damaged and lost some of my grey cells but chances were that I would remain at the same level until old age dementia finally catches me up.

I was far from happy at the thought of a future existence at such mental capability level and became through personal circumstances generally somewhat housebound, withdrawn, isolated and depressed.

Inspiration can often result from tragedy. When I heard of the death of a young 31-year-old dad with whom I had been hospitalized I was dreadfully upset and couldn't stop thinking about his young wife and daughters. That news forced me to realise what a very lucky fellow I was. There were millions of people far worse off than I.

On television later I saw a program featuring young Moslem boys learning the Koran by heart through verbal repetition. In addition, another item highlighting the memory power and workings of the computer. This inspired me to borrow a spare computer from a friend with the idea of using it as a secondary brain - to store notes and memory events of each day.

First I had to learn how to use it and initially the word processor program. This was very difficult because my brain could not capture and remember mouse or keystroke actions. So, if I continually repeated the one action time and time again would my wonky brain cells relearn to accept and store information? As example I 'cut and pasted' words and phrases for two days before I could do it automatically. It was a long frustrating haul but it worked.

I know nothing about the brain but it appears to me that, where cells are damaged, then their function may be taken over by other cells. Day after day and week after week I worked with the computer and in time began to be able to write understandable letters. I purchased my own computer (now my best friend) and over the past three years have learned to use its Microsoft and other programs well enough to write this.

Once connected, the Internet opened up a whole new and exciting world outside of my semi-housebound situation. Through continual reading on the net my understanding and interpretation of written meaning improved. As time went on I gained the desire to try to build a web site.

Once again, it was a long and frustrating one-finger keyboard task but I got one up and, for me it's a hobby enjoyment that forever force-feeds my brain to think and think as I attempt to set up and complete any new task on the site.

Obviously, my experience in brain cell retraining will not apply to everyone but if any reader is experiencing such a problem you might find that, like I did, a computer may help you immensely. You will need lot's of patience though and have interest in creational activities and the exciting world of communication technology.

I firmly believe that my computer and the Internet have been the major tools in the re-education of my brain. So I must extend my personal thanks to Bill Gates and his Microsoft folk for the software tools that have bought me back to a more normal social environment. Also, to Google and their folk for the wonderful times I have spent roving the Net and, to many others, who daily provide interesting newsletters and information of personal interest to me.

Above all, to any reader, do not forget the real essence of this writing. Never hesitate when it comes to your health - get checked over by a professional - ignore it at your peril.

Ted Burgess turned to the computer at age 63 as a possible mental rehabilitation tool after heart attacks and strokes. His interests cover many subjects as reflected in his site at including that of preventive heart health at