Ashes to Ashes, Bytes to Bytes

She didn't have to die. She was young, she was beautiful, and, yes, she was exciting. Now she's gone, and it was all so unnecessary - so, so senseless!

Dare I say what he did to her? Do I "point the finger" at him? Someone has to, I guess. Actually, it was a case of what he didn't do. You see, she was a charming new website and he - well, he was an inexperienced owner who thought all he had to do was open a well-done website and the world would zero-in on her and make him scads of cash. He even called her "Carly Cash". The poor, misguided fool.

If only he had known, there are a great many things he could have done to save her, indeed to help her thrive and fulfill her exciting promise. He could have:

Copyright by Kent E. Butler

Butler Marketing Group

About The Author

Kent E. Butler has been in marketing, sales and training since shortly after the creation of language. If the above language has been helpful, he's happy. To make him really happy, visit the One Stop Internet Shop (and great bizop) and acquire something useful.