Spiritual and Emotional Money Goals: The Keys to a Financially Free Future

Are you setting the right money goals?

Most people believe having more money would mean having more security. Right? Wrong. Having more money is only one goal we need to achieve in order to be financially free. Increasing our internal ability for abundance is the goal we need to meet first.

The problem with only pursuing wealth externally and not internally is that our hidden, limiting beliefs about money can wipe out our savings, our line of credit at the bank, and the $5 we borrowed from a friend to put gas in our car.

Having more security is not something that can be determined or created by how much we earn, how much we save, or how much we own. Security is an internal barometer of how much we trust ourselves to be able to handle difficult circumstances.

In order to do this, we must set result-oriented goals (the vacation, the new house, etc) as well as clean up any negative internal programming we have around money.
