Stay away from the oxygen thieves!

People are either "givers" or "takers." It's as simple as that. They are one or the other. No room for gray. When I talk about giving and taking here, I'm not only talking about people who borrow or lend money, I'm talking about emotional giving and taking. You know the people I'm talking about. The ones who sap your energy and your strength. They only want to be with you as long as you bring some value to them. They're always afraid they're missing out on something. When you're with them, they're usually looking over your shoulder, scanning the room, to see who else, of more use, might be there. They talk at you, not to you. The don't listen. In fact they're just waiting for a chance to interrupt so they can talk more about themselves. They only call when they need something, when their lives are out of kilter. The funny thing is though, that someone who is an emotional taker, will usually take your money, hospitality, kindness and girlfriend as well! Now do a quick mental inventory of your friends and associates, and without thinking too hard, label each one as a "giver" or a "taker." You'll be surprised at how easy it is to do. Then there are the Bottom-Feeders. Now these are the real losers. The extreme takers. They'll take, then take a little more, then just a little more until you're sucked dry. They probably don't even recognize that they're doing you any harm. In fact, they believe you owe them. After all, they rationalize, you've got so much more than they do: more money, energy, luck and connections. It stands to reason you should share it all with them! That's only fair. And worst of all, are the Player-Haters! They gossip, and cackle and love to see other folks fail. When you share good news with them, their smiles don't ever reach their eyes. They pretend to celabrate your success but are just waiting for you to fall. These are the folks who only want to hold you down, so they won't be lonely at the bottom. So, stay away from the Takers, the Bottom-Feeders and the Player-Haters at all costs, even if they're so close to you they're related! Find people who have the same goals you have and who'll be there to encourage you when you need it.