Finding a Cuckoo Clock Repair Service

Weights hanging from the bottom of your cuckoo clock keep it running smoothly and accurately. Some cuckoo clocks have two weights and some have three. Since the internal working parts for these two types of timing mechanisms are different, the prices for repairing them will be different no matter where you go or who does the work. Since cuckoo clocks can be purchased for prices ranging from as little as $39.99 for mass produced, discontinued or used items, to as much as many thousands of dollars for pristine, well maintained older versions by acknowledged craftsmen, you should take into account the value of your individual item before you attempt to have anything repaired.

As always, the handcrafted items that decorate the cuckoo clock are only repairable by an equally talented artist or craftsman, so you may have to make do with some sort of damage to the appearance of your cuckoo clock rather than having it professionally repaired. If such a tragedy occurs, it may be worth trying to spend some quality time with your cuckoo clock, some crazy glue and a paint brush and simply do the best you can. Obviously, a museum quality antique cuckoo clock may require the work of some well-trained repair artist or even the original artist if he