Acne: Diminished Self-confidence in Teens - You Can Get Rid of Acne Effectively with NO Scarring

Acne refers to a skin condition where pores on the skin contain blackheads, whiteheads and/or pimples. In severe cases, plugged pores can result in lumps, cysts or nodules.

While Acne tends to predominantly affect teenagers (at least 90% develop some form of Acne), it is not uncommon in adults. Acne can occur on the face, neck, chest, back and arms. Acne can have a severe psychological impact, particularly on teenagers, and be a direct causal factor of low self-esteem and diminished confidence. Severe acne may lead to permanent scarring. Many people actively seek Home Remedies for Acne to treat the condition themselves.

Teens and Acne.

While most teens exhibit only mild forms of Acne, even these mild breakouts can cause untold heartache. 'I can't go the prom