A Short Cut For Achieving Top Search Engine

It's almost an impossible task to try to get
listed number one at the major search engines
nowadays. This report illustrates exactly how
to get listed number one at the engines for
maximum exposure. You'll discover how to save
tons of time and money.

I promise you that if you use the killer tips
you are about to learn, you'll see a
significant INCREASE in your traffic and sales
volume. In order so that you don't LOSE
thousands of dollars worth in profits, PRINT
OUT this article now.

The tactics you are about to learn will make
the difference between day and night for your
Internet business; print out this article now;
you will soon FORGET the sound advice you'll
discover.(Or, you can provide this article for
your site visitors and ezine readers.)

Back to business: As you well know, if your
site isn't listed at the top 10 search
engines, regardless of how your site might
look, how great your products and seruices
are, your site "doesn't exist" if you're not
getting the traffic!

Why is it so incredible difficult to get
listed at the top search engines? Here's the
reason why:

If there exists for any number of highly
popular keywords(computer, sports, health,
business, etc.) anywhere starting from a
minimum of 20 thousand to 100s of thousands of
web sites that relate one way or another to
them, what do you think happens?

All of those web site owners under any popular
keywords want to be listed at the top ten
positions at the major search engines. This
fierce battle to be listed at the top ten is
what makes it almost impossible for countless
of web site owners to even get noticed.

If your web site is listed at Yahoo down at
5,671, you're in deep trouble! Who in the
Internet world(or in the right mind) is going
to bother to search all the way down to your
listing at 5,671? No way!

The Alternative

But there's another way to beat the getting
listed-at-the major search engine nightmare:
Pay for your top website listing by using
pay-per-click search engines.

Recent statistics from payperclicksearch-
engines.com show that the well-known Goto.com,
the king pay-per-click search engine, gets
approximately 10 million searches a day!
That's about 300 million searches in a month.
Boy, that's a lot of searches from only one
pay-per-click search engine!

Not only that: Payperclicksearchengines.com
website states: "You'll receive more traffic
from Goto.com than from all the other
pay-per-click engines combined." That's a lot
of search power from only one pay-per-click.
Can you imagine how much traffic you'd get if
you were listed at the top 5 listings at

It gets even better at Goto: Payperclick-
searchengines.com also states that in the top
10 listings at Goto your link will appear
when someone searches using Dogpile meta
search engine.

If you're in the top six, you'll also appear
in the Metacrawler searches.

So the bottom line: If you cannot get listed
at the top ten major search engines, don't
fret; you can use a major pay-per-click search
engine, such as Goto.com and pay for a top
listing instead of wishing upon a shooting
star for a top search engine position for your

So, you realize how a major pay-per-click
search engine like Goto can solve your
getting-listed-at the major search engine

Now, well look how you can use Goto to your
advantage for driving mega traffic to your

How The Pay-Per-Click Search Engines Work

When you use a pay-per-click search engine,
like Goto you agree to pay a certain amount
for each visitor who clicks through to your
web site. For example, let's suppose the web
site in the number one position in search
results has bid 8 cents per prospective
customer; this means that that advertiser
agreed to pay 8 cents for each individual who
clicks on their link to take him/her to their
site. If position number two and three has
bid a little less than 8 cents, that's how
much the advertiser is paying for each
visitor who clicks on their listing.

This kind of bid for position system will
guarantee a high placement for your web site;
all you got to do is out bid the site
currently in the position you want. This is
called "instant positioning." Great, isn't
it? (No waiting from two weeks to six months
to an entire year to get listed at the major
search engines!)


Don't just bid on two or three keywords. Do
not just bid on six or twelve. Try to bid on
20, 50, 100, or as many as 500 keywords. This
way you might achieve 20, 50, or 100 times
more traffic to your site.

In order to submit many keyword bids, use
Goto's spreadsheet template which you can
download. You fill it out and then return it.

Try to fit your keyword listing into the
popular categories, such as travel, sports,
computers, etc. You'll get a lot more traffic
to your site if your listing appears at the
top 3 bids. Why? Because the top listings
at the popular categiories will show up on
the search engine site's home page.

It's an effective strategy to focus on only
one product or service in promoting; don't
try to promote an entire category of products.

Do not send your potential customers to a web
site that will confuse them; make the web
page that you're planning to send them
specifically designed for a particular
product, service, or program.

Strategies To Boost Your Click Throughs

Bid for a lower not too expensive position
for the more popular keywords.

Study and pay careful attention to each
popular keyword and the price at which each
advertiser is paying for that position.

You don't necessarily have to be first. Some
advertisers in order to have first place
positions are paying mountains of money and
draining their account, sometimes without
generating enough sales. You can easily get a
decent position, like third or fourth place
very cheaply.

Aim to get listed on the first page, whether
you're tenth or sixteenth place. Research have
shown that listings at the top and bottom of
premium pages are far more likely to get
clicked on as opposed to the middle.

You must strive to write a good ad copy that
jumps out at the potential customer. Your
headline will greatly determine how many
targeted potential visitors you'll get at your
web site. Tell them in your copy what you're
promoting and a number of good reasons why
they should click on your link to visit your

Bid for only keywords that are relevant to
your project. Do not waste your limited
resources on keywords that will not help sell
and promote your products and services. It's
a good strategy to bid as many relevant
keywords as possible. You will get a lot more
potential customers visiting your site. You
will be able to get sometimes effective
clicks for pennies!

Tracking Your Keywords

You got to track your keywords. You got to
know which keywords are getting the most

As you monitor your keywords, you will be
able to better tune your efforts by upgrading
the value of your bids, increasing and
removing keywords.

You must check your keyword position on a
consistent daily basis to be on top. Others
will bid for top keyword positions and can
drive your keyword position down really fast!

All of this keyword maintenance, keyword
brain-storming, and bidding will easily absorb
20 to 30 hours of your time each week!

Do you want to save plenty of your precious
time by automatically checking your existing
and possible Goto keyword bids?

Do you want to save more time by automatically
daily updating your Goto keyword positions?

Do you want to save even more time by easily
managing an unlimited number of keywords?

Do you want to save a lot of money by
identifying keyword bidding opportunities by
showing pricing gaps for your keywords? (if
yes, go down to the bottom for further

Do you want to stay on top of your keyword
bidding status without having to manually
search keywords to find the price for your
optimum position?

Do you want to get an accurate picture of the
top 20 Goto bid positions for any keyword you

Do you want to be notified daily via email of
changes in your keyword bid positions?

Do you want your keywords arranged

If you answered yes to all or any of the
above, visit our site now and see all the
features our Keyword Bid Optimizer tool has
to offer. Start saving tons of time and money.

About the Author

Abd Sams
If you answered yes to all or any of the
above, visit our site now and see all the
features our Keyword Bid Optimizer tool has
to offer. Start saving tons of time and money.