No Cost Gas Saving Tips

1. Drive Sensibly

Speeding, rapid acceleration and braking, and competition (I used to need to be first when the light turned green) all waste gas (and diesel). It can lower your gas mileage by 33 percent at highway speeds and by 5 percent around town.

2. Do the Speed Limit

I know it is boring but, gas mileage usually decreases rapidly at speeds above 60 mph. This is true even though each vehicle reaches its optimal fuel economy at a different speed (or range of speeds).

As a rule of thumb, each 5 mph you drive over 60 mph is like paying an additional $0.21 per gallon for gas.

3. Empty the Trunk!

Ok, I though this was a given, then I looked in my trunk again . . . eeeyych! Avoid keeping unnecessary items in your vehicle, especially heavy ones. An extra 100 pounds in your vehicle could reduce your MPG by up to 2%. The reduction is based on the percentage of extra weight relative to the vehicle's weight and affects smaller vehicles more than larger ones.

4. Turn it Off When You Run Into the Convenience Store

Idling gets 0 miles per gallon. Cars with larger engines typically waste more gas at idle than do cars with smaller engines.

5. Use Cruise Control (and You Thought I was Lasy)

Using cruise control on the highway helps you maintain a constant speed and, in most cases, will save gas.

6. Use Overdrive Gears

When you use overdrive gearing, your car's engine speed goes down. This saves gas and reduces engine wear.

For more gas saving tips visit http://www.fueleconomytips. com.

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