How To Choose A Sales Coach

In the best interests of your time and in the spirit of helping you find the best coach for you, I suggest scheduling a time to speak with each coach you're considering one to one. I'm always happy to schedule a complimentary call with someone who's interested in bettering their life or career by working with a coach so that they get all of their questions answered, understand the process and how it works, expectations and finally determine if there's a strong fit. Our clients find that they chose their coach based on a variety of factors. In order to assist you, below are some questions to consider when choosing your coach as well as questions you can ask during the interview process. 1. Is the coach certified and trained? (You don't hire a CPA or use a doctor who isn't board certified. The same holds true for coaches.) 2. What is their experience? Reputation? 3. How long have they been coaching? (You can also check out how long they have their website up by going to Click on the bottom button 'whois' to do a search. No website or corporate email? Hmmm. Then is this their new practice or part time gig?) 4. What is their area of expertise or are they 'generalists'? 'General' coaching = general, vague, average results. Be cautious. Ask for success stories as well as failures. 5. How do they choose the clients they work with? Who is their ideal client? 6. Do I click with their personality and communication style? Do I like the coach? 7. Does the coach have or created for themselves what I, as a client want? Are they modeling what's possible for what I want to attain because they've actually been there and done it? 8. Finally, and most important, have they worked with other clients who have achieved similar measurable results and can the coach provide several references to back up their claims ? (Get references!) If you would like some assistance in finding the right coach for you, feel free to call me anytime at 1-888-262-2450 ext: 1 or email me at info(at) Learn more about the top selling author and sales coach Keith Rosen at