Jorge Garifuna reveals the secret of his favorite Punta Music

Jorge Garifuna finally set the record straight. He has been planning to reveal to his audience the secret of his favorite Punta Music, but for some reason the time has never been right. Well, until now that is. You are probably aware that Garinet Global just recently released a new website called "Open Fan Club" One of the intentions of this site is to connect fans with their entertainment side. Jorge Garifuna is a fan as well, so he is no exception to the rules. Because of this, he felt that the time is now right for him to reveal his favorite Punta Music. Punta is the contemporary electronic offshoot of an ancestral rhythm and dance of the Garifuna people of Central America, performed during celebrations or festive occasions, with links to West Africa and an ancient rhythm called Bunda. How do you find out about Mr. Garifuna's secret favorite Punta Music? This secret is revealed at the new "Open Fan Club" website. Here is what you need to do to find out about this little secret: 1. Visit the Open Fan Club Website at: 2. Click to the "Forum" 3. Open the "Punta Rock/Punta Fan Club" under the "Music Fan Club" section Since the secret is out, once you find out, feel free to tell your friends and family members that Jorge's little Punta Music secret is located at: