What Are The Symptoms Of Candida?

Candida is naturally occurring yeast that is found in the mouth, throat, intestines, genital and urinary tract of humans. It's considered part of our normal flora and poses no threat to individuals with a healthy immune system, but if your immunity is suppressed either through disease or temporary illness an overgrowth of yeast can be an unhealthy side effect. There are several predisposing factors that contribute to the overgrowth of Candida in the human body; medicines, diet and weakened immunity. The over use of broad spectrum antibiotic is a major culprit in encouraging the growth of yeast in our bodies. In an attempt to kill harmful bacteria these powerful medications over-kill and destroy the normal flora, or helpful organisms, in our bodies that keep the harmful ones in check. Lactobacillus is in direct competition in the digestive tract with C. Albicans (Candida) and it releases acid which makes the environment less favorable for the yeast, but once antibiotics destroy the Lactobacillus the Candida is left to multiply unchecked. http://www.c andidarelief.com/systematiccandida/ People with weakened immunity are unable to fight off the overgrowth of yeast and can occur from the use of certain medication like steroids, chemotherapeutic agents for the treatment of cancer and other diseases, smoking, stress or even prolonged alcohol abuse. Poor diet over saturated with low fiber, high sugar and highly fermented foods is a common contributing factor that can be readily changed to reduce the risk of a chronic yeast overgrowth issue. The symptoms of a yeast infection can closely mimic those of gluten intolerance in some individuals - so how do you know if you've got a yeast infection? Laboratory testing isn't indicative of a yeast overgrowth since the body naturally has Candida to begin with, but there are a number of common physical symptoms to be aware of in your self evaluation. An increasing number of allergies to chemicals, foods, additives, air born pollutants; particularly adult onset allergies is often present in those with a chronic overgrowth of Candida. Constant feelings of tiredness especially if the fatigue is worse after eating, carbohydrate cravings, mood swings, irritability, headaches, an inability to concentrate, depressions, dizziness, vaginal and urinary tract infection, skin rashes, hives, arthritis like pain, cold extremities and immune system problems resulting in frequent colds and viruses have all been cited as common symptoms in those with yeast overgrowth. If you have a combination of these symptoms then you may also have a chronic yeast infection too. The good news is there is hope and help available. Once you have established that you have a yeast infection, by reviewing symptoms and confirming the presence of causative background factors, there are a variety of dietary changes that you can make to improve your health. Refined sugar should be eliminated from your diet entirely as it encourages the growth of yeast. Anything with vinegar - which is made with yeast culture - should be avoided as well. Mushrooms should be avoided, as should peanuts and peanut butter, cheeses, and meats that are dried, smoked or pickled should be avoided too. Increasing your intake of raw garlic and soluble fiber will help your body to fight the yeast infection. A supplemental dose of acidophilus will help to make your intestinal track more acidic which helps to kill off the Candida. Candida is a natural part of your body's normal flora but an overgrowth can make you feel sick. If you suspect that you have an overgrowth of yeast there are simple and effective steps that you can take to improve your health.