The day the sun came out!

The day the sun came out was like heaven. I enjoyed the first Californian sun up here in the Sierra Nevada foothills. The air was refreshing and turned out to change my whole attitude. The sun is out and all is well! At least that's how I feel today. It's amazing what a little sun can do for you. You start moving a little faster, doing a little more, and before you know it your winter life of baking and hanging around watching old movies is over. You're living outdoors, barbecuing, tending to the garden and watching the birds. I personally always buy a new piece of garden decor or lawn furniture. A new pine swing to grow my vines on, or windchime to intensify the joy of the warm soft breezes. At there is more than enough garden decor and outdoor furniture to satisfy this touch of spring fever. The deals we have are more than appropriate for the spring's air of a new start. Don't let this bit of spring freshness go by without trying to enjoy every bit of it. Take walks, sit outdoors, start planning your garden. It's good for your soul. Let the sun make its changes in your attitude.