Sound Therapy for Relaxation

I have been reading a lot about sounds and the stress-relieving properties of sound therapies. It "sounds: like we are finally getting down to our roots and finding natural ways to heal that were used by our Ancestors. Since there was not medicine available like we have today, they used drumbeats, chimes and signing bowls to experience a higher state of consciousness. As you know from reading Directed Dreaming, once you enter into the higher conscious (or subconscious) you are able to find out things that can help you in everyday life (such as finding answers to important questions, solving money problems, etc.) There have been clinical trials performed that suggest that sound may boost the immune system, trigger our body's production of natural painkillers, and relieve stress. Music therapy can be done by anyone, even if you don't have a musical ability; it consists of playing a slow even rhythm (on a drum), or using cymbals, bells or gongs. If playing a gong or pounding on drums is just not your style, and you think it might make you feel (or look) a little silly, there are fairly normal, natural, things you can get to help you relax using sound or light, like water fountains, stress free alarm clocks and aromatherapy that includes soft music. There is also a really cool computer game that uses biofeedback, and as you play you go into a deep, relaxed state that empowers you to create excellent health and wellness, as well as relieve stress. Try these things out for yourself, a little music never hurt anyone!