Are You Lactose Intolerant?

Lactagen is a one-time 38-day patent-pending formula allows the gradual and painless re-introduction of dairy into the digestive system. The program painlessly trains the body to be able to digest dairy products without the usual painful reactions. The combination of taking yogurt with live cultures, having meals with the formula, taking specific dosages and with the combination of Lactose, Tricalcium Phosphate, Lactobacillus Acidophilus, FOS and Cellulose Gum and Silica, the body learns how to digest dairy products. The program has a specific formulation and structure to it, where lactose intolerant individuals have minimal to no symptoms during the program, and afterwards their body is trained accordingly to be able to digest dairy products without the painful reactions. Learn more about Lactagen. To understand how Lactagen works, you need to know a bit about the digestive process and lactose intolerance. When you consume any dairy products it travels from the stomach into the small intestine where the enzyme lactase goes to work breaking down the sugar in dairy, called lactose. The broken-down lactose then goes to the large intestine where good bacteria called microflora digest the broken-down lactose and turn it into nutrition and fuel for the body. When you're lactose intolerant this process doesn't work. The dairy you eat is not broken down in the small intestine. Solid lactose travels to the large intestine, which will try but fail to digest it. When it can't function normally, the large intestine gets irritated and inflamed creating gas, diarrhea, and cramps. This inability to tolerate lactose is known as lactose intolerance. The Lactagen Program reverses the damage to the large intestine and returns the digestive system back to normal. It works in three phases: First, Lactagen soothes the existing irritation and inflammation. Second, Lactagen gradually reconditions the large intestine by specifically training the microflora to better handle breaking down undigested lactose. Finally, the Lactagen Program slowly reintroduces dairy into the diet. This process happens comfortably and painlessly with the microflora now able to consistently break down dairy products on their own.